Mayo And I Stuck In A Loop | Rei Conaglen

Mayo And I Stuck In A Loop | Rei Conaglen

Rei Conaglen 8th March - 30th MAR 2023 pop up gallery, gROUND FLOOR, SQUARE EDGE ARTS CENTRE This collection of works is made up of an assortment of techniques that come together to tell a story about interspecies relationships within everyday experiences. It is a...
Hidden In Plain Sight | Amrit Kaur

Hidden In Plain Sight | Amrit Kaur

7th March - 30th MAR 2023 Entry Gallery, gROUND FLOOR, SQUARE EDGE ARTS CENTRE Working across a range of mediums, emerging NZ based artist, Amrit Kaur explores florals in her work. Her practice revolves around unpredictability and adventure where each piece goes on a...