29th January - 24th february

pop up gallery – SQUARE EDGE ARTS CENTRE

Auckland born Philip Holmes grew up in Manawatū, Taupō and the King Country in the 1960s. As a child he drew constantly and from an early age knew he would persue an artistic career. Holmes began painting professionally in his twenties exhibitiing throughout New Zealand.

His early life where he grew up, especially Taranaki, left a deep association with the Canal and who had gone before. Having studied Māori art and history, Holmes early portraits often featured historical Māori figures with contemporary subjects appearing in his late twenties.

His art intertests cover a wide spectrum with Picasso being one of his favourites. Working in conte and oil, Holmes has long been acknowledged as one of New Zealandsporttrait painters.

This exhibition features 4 works rearing completion.


Auckland-born Philip Holmes grew up in Manawatū, Taupō, and the King Country during the 1960s. As a child, he drew constantly and, from an early age, knew he would pursue an artistic career. Holmes began painting professionally in his twenties, exhibiting throughout New Zealand.
His early life, particularly in Taranaki, left him with a deep connection to the land and its history. Having studied Māori art and history, Holmes’ early portraits often featured historical Māori figures, with contemporary subjects appearing in his late twenties.
His artistic interests cover a wide spectrum, with Picasso being one of his favourites. Working in conte and oil, Holmes has long been acknowledged as one of New Zealand’s foremost portrait painters.
This exhibition features four works nearing completion.