The Palmerston North Artist in Residence Scheme has been operating since 2004. It is managed by three partners: Square Edge Community Arts, Palmerston North City Council, and Massey University.
Our vision is that the community of Papaioea Palmerston North is inspired, entertained, and supported to develop in their creative practice by working in collaboration with the resident artist.
Three residencies are offered annually:
- Visiting writer
- Open Residency
- Summer Shakespeare Director
The aims of the scheme are:
– To provide the opportunity for the city to benefit from the resident artist.
– To facilitate connections between the community and Massey University.
– To provide promotion and support for the artist to work on their own project, to work with the community, and with the three parties.
– To promote and enhance the reputation of the three parties and Palmerston North as a creative and exciting city.

The Scheme has contributed significantly to the creativity of Palmerston North city, and the cultural, social, and economic wellbeing of our community.
This multi-partner facilitated residency is unique in its collaborative approach.
Benefits for the Artist in Residence:
• Focused application on their own mahi
• New kaupapa are developed and/ existing kaupapa are extended on
• Significant progress towards or completion of personal projects (part of the proposal made)
• Engagement and participation in a meaningful community project (part of the proposal made)
• Strong, productive relationships built across the broader Manawatū community
Benefits for the community
• To learn from established artists, growing their own skills and techniques
• To conceptualise new kaupapa or effectively undertake existing kaupapa
• To build networks and new connections in the broader Manawatū and national community and respond to opportunities for creative practice
• To undertake workshops or projects with specialised support
• To present artworks professionally, gain new audiences or use new spaces for creative works.
Each Visiting Artist receives a stipend funded by Massey University, accommodation, office space on Massey’s campus, and support from Square Edge Community Arts to connect and work with the local community, including access to a community workspace.
Applications are undertaken in three rounds across each year, when funding is available.
For more information visit: