Square Edge Community Arts have 4 gallery spaces. Each has its own merits as an exhibition space and will suit different works and needs.
The cost of each space includes: The exhibition space, signage and titles, install, de-install, and a space for your opening event if you wish to have one.
Square Edge will also promote the exhibition by posting it on our website, social media, Newsletter and sharing posts that the Artist tags us in!

Main Gallery
Our largest exhibition space is perfect for exhibitions of all sizes. Main Gallery is a brilliant space to host performances and events.
Suitable for: Exhibitions, performances and events
Cost: $600
Capacity: 150 standing, 60 seated theatre style
Audio system appropriate for most performances in the space | Staging | Projectors and Screen | Large Monitor Screen | Whiteboard | Whiteboard Markers

Entry Gallery
The entry gallery is the first and last space most visitors walkthrough. It is an ideal space for small scale or more detailed works.
Suitable for: Exhibitions and openings
Cost: $540
Capacity: 40 standing
Audio system appropriate for events in the space | Large Monitor Screen
Ideal for emerging or new artists, this compact gallery offers a cozy venue to showcase your work without the overwhelming scale of larger spaces.
This space can be closed and locked up if you have delicate items on show or open for the public to have a closer look.
Suitable for: Exhibitions
Cost: $260

Suitable for:
Showcasing series of small object artworks by groups and individuals.
Cost: $120