Daniela Bianchi

My name is Daniela Bianchi and I’m currently a biochemistry master student at Massey University. I’m also the owner of a small business: Tiny Craft Boutique (TCB). My business is all about handmade albums and handmade-hand sewn literature diaries (old book that will be transformed in functional diaries).

At the beginning TCB was just a hobby: I used to create cards during Christmas time for close friends and family, or albums for their special occasions. Five years ago, I moved from Italy to New Zealand. 24 hours of airplane distance from my home and my beloved ones motivated me to find a way to be more connected with them, especially for my own special days or achievements. So, when I got married in NZ, I decided to create my own wedding party favors to send back to Italy. My family and friends loved the gifts so much that encouraged me to transform my hobby in something a little more serious. I started following tutorials online to learn and improve my skills and with the help of my husband – Gabriel -, in a couple of years and lots of scrapbook creations, I have finally created my logo and my Facebook page.


Email: reception@ca.org.nz

Phone: 06 241 8444

Note: Only selection of each artists works may be displayed online, to view more please get in touch or visit us in store.